REACH–MI stands for Radiation, Exposure, Awareness, Crusaders for Humanity–Marshall Islands

Who we are


REACH–MI stands for Radiation, Exposure, Awareness, Crusaders for Humanity–Marshall Islands, a non-government organization (NGO), established in 2016, whose mission is to provide information, spread awareness, and explore ways to address unresolved nuclear issues to improve community conditions and people’s lives in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. REACH–MI strongly believes that the RMI’s Nuclear Legacy is an important part of our country’s history and public engagement and participation is vital.


Goals & Objectives

  • Spread awareness on nuclear issues starting with the Marshallese local communities and then expand globally

  • Create partnerships to collaborate and explore ways in addressing unresolved nuclear issues: and to seek mutual understanding and support on RMI problems and needs

  • We hope to achieve our goals through word of mouth, person to person contacts, dialogue, and sharing of information. It is our intention to seek and enlist the support of interested non-governmental parties, grassroots organizations and general public of the United States and around the world.




Dreka in Jabon Em, a Marshallese term which in English means gathering of rocks to build foundation. Our foundation is being build with these rocks:

  • Interviewing unclear victims

  • Research all related documents and literature on nuclear issues

  • Social media exposure & public appearances on related nuclear issues

  • Youth and general public engagement through debates, essay contest, etc., on related nuclear issues